November 5, 2014, Muncie, IN –J.C. Hart Company recentlyreceived six Prodigy Awards, including Overall Curb Appeal for theirStonebridge Luxury Apartment Houses on the south side of Indianapolis. The IndianaApartment Association handed out these awards during the Prodigy Awards Dinneron the final day of the annual Midwest Multifamily Conference held on October16, 2014.
J.C. Hart Company prides themselves on developing, building,and managing distinctive apartment communities. In March of 2014, the companyhired Jay-Crew to perform full service landscaping maintenance service on theStonebridge Apartments. Jay-Crew’s services included mowing and trimming,mulching, weeding beds, annual flower displays for spring, summer, and fall,pruning of all plants, and general property clean up. Stonebridge LuxuryApartment Houses were judged on the overall impact of the curb appeal, includingthe use of landscaping and exterior signage.
“The Stonebridge Luxury Apartment Houses have unique featuresin the outdoor spaces in which the Jay-Crew team worked,” stated StonebridgeProperty Manager Jody Rogers. “I feel that the Overall Curb Appeal Award speaksvolumes for the services they have provided us. Thanks to their entirelandscaping team, Jay-Crew has helped Stonebridge become the most beautifulapartment community in Indiana.”
To learn more about Jay-Crew’s landscaping, lawn care, ormaintenance services, visit or call the Muncie office at765-289-5296.